Printable Hymnal Bookplate Template – Use them to commemorate each hymnal by. Change names, fonts, and more. These templates are designed specifically for lutheran service book bookplates for use with microsoft word. Use them to commemorate each.
Book plate templates can be downloaded, modified, and printed on avery 5168 sticker pages to adhere to the inside cover of your hymnals. Complete, fully searchable information about the united methodist hymnal, with audio recordings, printable scores, midi files, and page scans. The templates are customizable in designated text areas and. Download a free guide to using lutheran service book, sample pages, a bulletin insert, sorted lists of hymns, a chart of amens, and editable bookplates.
Printable Hymnal Bookplate Template
Printable Hymnal Bookplate Template
With the united methodist cross and flame as the centerpiece, this bookplate matches the united methodist hymnal perfectly. Add a personal touch to your library with a personalized bookplate. Complimentary templates are available for those wishing to prepare bookplates for their hymnals and psalters.
Get free bookplates for your hymnals here: This bookplates, designed for use in the presbyterian hymnal, offers a simple yet public show of gratitude when affixed to hymnals donated to your congregation. With the united methodist cross and flame as the centerpiece, this bookplate matches the united methodist hymnal perfectly.
Use them to commemorate each hymnal by. With the united methodist cross and flame as the centerpiece, this bookplate matches the united methodist hymnal perfectly. This site is the home of the open hymnal project to create a freely distributable, downloadable database of christian hymns, spiritual songs, and prelude/postlude.
Sample Hymnal Bookplates St. Jude Catholic Church Allen, TX
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